Feminism, is a very interesting concept for me.
all my life i heard phrases like, women's right, feminism and equality. and to tell you the truth I never took the time of day to figure out do i actually believe in that or not. my own personal opinion was a blur. then lately that issue rose to the surface all of a sudden , Maybe it was because of too much Talkshowes that had to fill their airtime with something , or maybe i suddenly was old enough to care, or maybe women just went crazy or maybe it was about time women started talkin about what was rightfully theirs. whatever the reason I suddenly discovered I had an opinion, an opinion that shocks a lot of people who knows me. people around me have this misconception about me as being this independent, wanna-b-American, spoiled brat. I am not a Feminist so that surprise almost everyone around me, except few people who knows me well enough to realize that looks is deceiving.
I Honestly don't see women as in desperate need for help to have their rights. what really bothers me about Arab Feminists, is that a lot of them make couple of stupid mistakes for instance they claim that the "Arab" world is designed to automatically give the man more rights, when it's very evident that this is a GLOBAL issue, they claim that the "Civilized world" has given the women their rights while the fight for women's right is still fought even in America, of course gone is the times of bra burning, but by their own recognition it is still going on. and get me started about their stupid complains about how our society allow men to make some mistakes and denies women those same mistakes and their BIGGEST example is always pr-marital sex, how women are punished for the by death while men get away with it, it's a vaild point but how come every time thye talk about it they comeof as if they just want parents to be cool w

A lot of men would tell you that most feminist are just ugly women who failed in live so they are taking their frustration out on men, I wish i could contradict that but sadly this is the picture that most feminist draw, when they talk you can easily see that they are pushed by merely stubbornness, or bitterness and sometimes even both, most of them refuse to listen to common sense I mean comeon people is it really that important to have women working in EVERY SINGLE JOB, we have to have a female judge, a female Ma2zone, a Female this, a female that! I do believe that some jobs are best preformed by a males some are best preformed by a females.
I also believe that men and women were created different but still equal, I just see equality in a different light. I don't have to be ina male dominate job to feel my equality, hell i don't even have to have a job. it sounds kinda pointless for both men and women to do the same jobs, it's like having a company filled with managers with no emplyees, if both men and women went to work how would raise children? usually anyself respecting feminist would simply tell you, why don't men stay at home and raise children ? and my answer is quite simple because women are better at raising children than men, they have more patients and more nurturing, it's in their nature. it doesn't make them less equal or less then men. We were created on this earth to worship God and to proliferate so raising a family is an imprtant part of our religion , and to raise a family we need a man and a woman. A man protect and a women nurture, it's not a master and slave realationship, it's a partnership and like any other partership ONE has to be in command not 2. Women are married by will, so basically the women gets to chose the man she's gonna live with and follow for the rest of her life, and both of them would follow God's Commands in thier life.
For me it's as simply as that, if you don't like that (as a women) then simply don't get married, (unlike men women are not required to get married in religion).
I am told that this is my view because I've never been to the real world, I've lived in my very own cocoon , a happy family, a privet school , a nice job ,driving my own car and hanging out with friends in cafes and Malls.
Maybe that's right, I don't have any male brothers so maybe I don't know how it feels to be treated as a second grade citizen (as femisits claim happens) but i do believe that this praticular problem which is the only problem I honestly feel for and see, have a very easy solution, instead of goin to talk shows and rallies and assosiations. stay home raise your kids and treat them equally tell your son, you and your sister are alike.
I am sorry but I don't see men as the enemy women are.