I am a book worm, I say it proudly. I've always been one.I love reading. I read in both English and Arabic. I enjoy both of them.I read every genre there is.Bookcrossing.comI discovered this site totally by accident. it's idea is simple you read a book, then leave it anywhere for someone else to read it, who in turn leave it anywhere to be found by anyone. A unique number is given for the book, you write both the website and the number on the book and the person who find it goes online and say they have the book.the idea is simply fascinating but for a person like me (who totally adores looking at my books) it's kinda hard to separate myself from my books, but there are a few books I’ve read and hated and don't really care for it, I might’ve let them go by freely
I really don't think that such idea is actually do-able in Egypt.I am not sure I'll ever do it. a book left somewhere here in Egypt has one of three destinys1- found by someone and sell it by the Kilogram (to be turned to paper which contains falafel)2- found by someone who'd sell it to a wondering book-seller3- thrown in the garbage.
They (Bookcrossing) have another part where you could trade books with the other members, so I just might do that and then again maybe not.
u r so right about the miserables fate of a left book
beside i too us completely unable to spare my books, i hardly bare lending them to my close friends :D
but the thing i really wish to do, is to expand my taste in books, cause i was stuck with classic romance, and horror, as for arabic, only some of the book series published by "rwayat msrya lelgeb", and it recently came down to only the works of "Dr. Ahmed Khaled Tawfeek", never read for ma7fouz -except kfa7 tiba-, or any of the other famous arabic writers, and also in english, never read something deep :(, even my first attempt to expand was buying Edgar Allan Poe's work, i liked his ideas, read them shortened for kids in arabic when i was young, beside the "mawra2 eltabi3a" episode when ref3at met kolby for the first time -why i talk to u as if u read it ??!!!- but i found him more complicated than i had expected, but still enjoying him.
OMG, i talk way too much, and i hate the way i'm completely self absorbed :S
enjoy ur readings :)
LOooL to be honest my readings are mostly English i read almost anything I can get my hand on. (am a big sucker for vampire stories , very immature LOL)
and in Arabic i read I was in senior i read mostly to 2abd el halim 3abd Allah, and read some nagib mahfouz (although i hated it).
once again i am amazed at our similarities, rwayat mesrya lelgeb! there was a time that i read anything it produces but my favorite ones are the ones by dr. Tawfeek, and like you i read for Poe or at least tried before i found it sooo complicated, he uses a very strange language,
thank god non of my friends like to read so i don't have to lend my books to anyone LOL
but maybe I'll lend them to you.
have you read divince code? it's not very far away from horror (it's mystery) and beside all the hype it's really is well written.
wanna hear something funny
I too find Poe very complicated, and his language is really strange :D, but I'm not gonna give him up tell I finish the two books I've got, then I'll decide if I'll keep liking him or not.
I hadn't read Divinci code, but I want to, maybe I'll borrow it from u :D
and good to know that u knew what I was talking about when mentioned mawara2 eltabe3a :D, it's one of my favorite things in this world, u know I wish I can go to many of the places he talked of in his books, and go investigate all the urban legends he built his stories upon, need some funds for sure, but we'll find a way to do it, u can come with me if u wanna :D
I totally agree! I stumbled by the site myself about a year ago, but I like my books too much 2 leave it somewhere!
it's nice to know that bookworms are not yet extinct in the egyptian environment :)
Pleased to meet another Egyptian book worm, like you am glad it's not an extincted race
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