This is just Another post about Books, I’ve been surfing online for some good book reviews websites, and since I am so into Blogs right now I thought what the hell, let’s find some decent book worms who review books, you know to see what they think about books. So while I was doing that I stumbled on a site called the book muncher, read in it a little bit then it mentioned another book review blog, what’s special about that blog is that the blogger Dominique, is conducting a riddle-contest, she says a riddle about a certain book, and we (the people who’d send her the answers) had to figure out what that book is and send her an email. Then she’d give a point for each correct answer and in the end the ones with the most points win, what exactly do they win, my personal faviourte and every book worm fav. FREE BOOKS LOL.
This time I won't forget the website. LOL
so here is the post about the riddle at book muncher, and here is the one at the book Vault
Anyways she also gives 2 points to anyone who blogs about the contest, but honestly I would’ve blogged about it anyways, I mean Comeon there is nothing more worthy posting a bout than books especially free ones. LOL
By the way the whole reason for the contest is Dominique’s Birthday, so happy birthday Dominque. And whether I win or Lose, you just gained a dedicate reader for your blog
That’s it for now
Now u're talking!
btw I really missed ur posts :)
LOL me too, but I haven't been able to find anything to post about, plus the fact that the internet connection at my house sucks right now.
she ain't givin u any, it's for US resedants only :PPPPP
ezayek ya bnt, b2ally kteeeeeeeer nayma feldora :D
we kman u had a discussion about arranged marriages wana m7dartesh. la ana lazm a2dem estkalty b2a watfara3' lel blogs :D
really, good that's 2 bad, LOL. although i honestly hadn't expected to win (I've never won anything).
don't quit just for my blog, LOL. mmm it's just your busy time i guess you'll have to find a time with low energy levels. LOL
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