I know it's too long. if you got bored at the middle just stop reading and leave a comment.

When Mr. Abachy opened the door, the expression of his face was instantly transformed. It annoyed him that someone would come at this time of night, he didn’t feel like talking to anyone even for a small amount of time but after seeing the dirty face of his son, Jason, the annoyance quickly turned into happiness. As always it was happiness mixed with sadness, although He hasn’t seen his son Jason for months and he was worried. It still pained him to see how low his son had sunk. He then noticed a girl was standing next to him, she looked clean well put, not the type of person that would hang with Jason in his current state. He invited both of them in trying to shake away the sadness in his heart.
The moment Abe Jason’s father opened the door Jason knew it was a mistake coming here; Phoebe had begged him for days to let her. Against his best judgment he bulked in . His father hadn’t seen him for months, but sometimes he’d pass and checked the lights in his father bedroom. He promised himself that he won’t deal with his father, if he doesn’t want to but he broke that promise just like he broke almost every one he made to himself. Somehow the old man’s opinion still gets to him, The resentment he saw in his father’s face made him want to run, he was about to leave when his father invited them both in. it was no use backing up now, so He went in trying to shake away the dread he felt in his heart.
Phoebe hoped some good will come out of this. Jason’s father seemed like a nice old man she could easily see relieve on his face when he saw Jason, but she could also detected sadness. It was expected under the circumstances. She could sense Jason’s fear arising, he was panicking like when he first did, when she asked to meet his family. It amazed her how they didn’t converse with each other at all, but still managed to seem like they were having a conversation. Mr. Abachy took a step back and motioned for them to come in. she felt the hesitation from Jason, then just when she though he'd run away he went in. she followed him in hoping for the best.
Mr. Abachy knew his time was limited and he had to make the phone call as fast and as discreetly as possible. Instead of walking to the bathroom he hurried to the phone.
There he made the phone call. All he has to do now was, wait. He’s always been bad at waiting; it wasn’t in his nature to just wait. But lately his life had been summoned down to waiting. Wait for his son to come by. Wait for him to regain his mind or desire to live or whatever he lost, and gets out of that mess he calls life. Wait for death to come by. All he had to do was, wait.
His father had excused himself to the bathroom. But Jason knows that’s not it. He knows that despite saying otherwise, his father hates seeing him. He pretends he doesn’t, but Jason could easily see the resentment and disappointment in his father’s eyes. He cursed himself for being dumb enough to come here again to be judged and ridiculed and promised himself never again would he come back. This time when he walks out that door it will be forever. He started soaking up every detail of the house and carves it in his heart before he forever leaves.
The dynamic between those 2 was amazing to Phoebe, their pain and fear was so obvious and out there. But they both seem only capable of see their own individual pain and blind to see the other's. They didn’t need to talk to each other, she doubted that they would even hear each other if they tried. Each one of them was so filled up with his own emotion to even acknowledge the other’s. Mr. Abachy seemed like a friendly, nice person, nothing what Jason has described. He was taking too long she hoped he’d come back soon cause she suspected that Jason was getting ready to leave whether his father came back or not.
Jason - I am leaving
Mr. Abachy - but we didn't have any time to talk, and I haven’t got to know your friend. I don’t even know her name.
Jason - Well if you cared about that you would‘ve stayed here instead of hiding in your room
Mr. Abachy - Hiding! Who’s hiding? I was in the bathroom
Jason - Please! Couldn’t you’ve done better than that? A better excuse, I never knew that you need 20 minutes to take a piss
Mr. Abachy - I didn’t know there was a time limit?
Jason - whatever! I am leaving and I wouldn’t count on seeing me again
Mr. Abachy - Just wait 5 more minutes.
Jason - WHAT? What the fuck you are talking about?
Mr. Abachy - I said just stay 5 more minutes.
Jason - You gotta be fucking me, so what did you order this time? Some groceries or maybe a hot meal for your god damn homeless son
Phoebe - Jason I think you need to calm down.
Jason - Calm down! You were asking how come I never come here, because this old man is always trying to cram down some meal down my throat like am some kind of fucken beggar, not his god damn son. I am here to fucken see you not trying to score a stupid meal.
Mr. Abachy - I know how hard life on the street is.I… I only want to make sure you are ….. Fine.
Jason - Really? How about the rest of the 365 days when am not here.
Mr. Abachy - I can’t control these, I just wish you’d come back here …. More often, I mean.
Jason - then maybe you should stop acting like the fucken king of universe. am outta here.
When Mr. Abachy went to his living room he was hoping that his relatively long absence would go unnoticed. But as soon as he went inside his son declared his intention to leave. He tried to get him to stay but his son dismissed that and accused him of hiding in his room, despair gripped his heart as he tried to get his son to stay. Before long Jason had figured it out, and as usual he got furious. He has always been a smart kid, how could someone as smart as Jason end up in that life was beyond Abe. Once again Abe found himself in a screaming Match with his only son. He didn’t understand why something as normal and considerate as a simple meal would cause all that anger from his son.
Jason couldn’t believe how his father had turned a simple visit into WWIII, why does he has to always pull this fucken stunts was beyond Jason’s understanding. Why does he always has to remind Jason that he’s a loser it’s not like he could forget. But sometimes he can pretend that he’s just a normal son visiting his father, there is no need to remind him that he’s merely a homeless failure. Why just can’t he pretend, why does he has to push him while he’s already down.
It was easy for Phoebe to see where both of them were coming from. In one hand she had a desprate father trying to help his son, the only way he knew how. On the other there was a son who believes he’s a complete loser and that his father is merely rubbing it in. she wanted to shake both of them hard and make them open their eyes to see the simple truth. But she suspected that they would never allow themselves to see it. They were so different and yet so alike. All Phoebe could do was wishful thinking ,hoping that in the future they would choose to see what they disregard so willingly now, before it was too late.
i so donn get it :S
I am not sure what don't u get?
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